Monday, March 1, 2010

All of these are so not worth it

Just need to write down something, if not, I feel like I'm gonna explode.

I'm just tired of all of it, that's all. Assignment this, test that and everything.

I had Marketing test this morning. It was easier than anticipated. But that was not the point. The point is that I spent my Sunday on completing the theses theory review instead of studying until there was not much time left to study.

Why do it myself you ask? How about no one else seems to care? Everyone was so busy with their studies that no one bothered to do something about it. Left to me a result, I finished the review in around 1am and not much time left for my Marketing revision. I'm lucky to be alive.

I just feel that I don't get the thanks I'm entitled too. Hey, I'm not overestimating my own capability. But since I manage to finish the review, how about a thank you? No, no nothing. It's the same as doing class rep. No gratitude from others. No Thank You. It's the same as printing notes for other people. No Thank You. And I can't even get back the full money that I paid for the photostating.

Just now the lecturer asked about some key terms in our theory review. I tried to explain but the others kept on saying the contracting points, even though they didn't even read the articles. And somehow, for some reasons, it ends up like it's my fault for trying to tell them to stop explaining the wrong terms and trying to explain myself.

This is the thanks I get? Cool

All of these are so not worth it


KSeng said...

you will be rewarded for your hard work. indirestly you will learn more when preparing the thesis....keep it up ! we are proud of you.

Nicole Lee said...

Thanks for being my class rep.. sincerely~
thanks for informing me the news u get from lecturers,
thanks for helping us to apply leave, thanks for forwarding e-mail to us that u get from lecturers,
thanks for making fun and jokes in class,
thanks for the concern as being my classmate,
thanks for...

'Thank you'

i hope that you can get out of these annoyance very soon...
Must always be happy oh~

Delvin said...


thx for ur thank you o~ ^^

M.Y. said...

good! utar train u to deal with workloads!