Friday, July 3, 2009


Well, know more about my friends today. I have to apologize for what I've always been thinking about them. I always thought that they're just bunch of guys with serious alcohol addiction, love to mess around and no substance. I was wrong. Hell, they are even more mature than me.

I thought I have it rough. Petite loneliness issue? Can't get a girl? Blah. Those are nothing compared to my friends' issues. Man, those are severe.

Examples? How about a parents who just set up his child's path and just force him to do what he does not like, even when he found the thing he like? And what about another friend, who never gets support from his family? Or another who has to study hard even though she doesn't want to, just to help her family?

Looking at them, I feel ashamed. What am I doing with my life?

And I also feel so happy to have a good and supportive family. Thanks dad and mum. Thanks ah gong. Thanks everyone. I love you all. I will change. I won't let you all down.

Love You