Sunday, November 8, 2009

Selfish People

Think I should write these down when I still feel the anger.

It's really annoying you know? There's this little thing called PPStream where you can stream live video. People say it's the best thing EVA!!!!1111!!!

It's the best thing ever if you're the one using. But when you are sharing one internet connection with multiple housemates...pls be more considerate la.

PPStream eats away most of our connection and we are left with extremely weak internet speed. Facebooking, youtube, check mail and everything become a pain. You are building you happiness on our pain!

I dunno why after we told you on and on again and you still din listen. Stop looking for new shows!!!

It's all right if you are currently 'chasing' 2 or 3 shows and watch like 2 hours per day. But stop looking for new shows and some unrelated shows when you are too free. Pls be more considerate lah!!!!!

Really really annoying

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